Show filter

sh interfaces | i Description|line|Internet
show access-list | include hitcnt=[1-9] - filtra los access list y muestra los hitcnt que sean mayo a 0

sh interfaces | i Description|line|Internet
sh int descrip | i up
sh interfaces | i Description|line
sh ip int brie | i up

show ip arp - give you the IP address of the device with the MAC you specified in the command

show ip arp - aca muestra la mac de la ip, la vlan y a que interface corresponde.
Protocol Address Age (min) Hardware Addr Type Interface
Internet 157 0005.313b.d800 ARPA Vlan2

sh access-lists name - aca con el name o sin el name muestra todos los access-list y tambin muestra los "matches"
estos indican cuantas veces se trato de usar.

sh snmp loc - para ver el loc Risskov M1 LS10 X6,Y17

show interfaces | inc CRC - para ver CRC

show interfaces summary - check out/in put

show interfaces counters etherchannel - etherchannel counters

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