Error visio viewer

KB973525 Causes Visio Viewer to Fail

The Microsoft security update KB973525, issued on Oct 13 2009, fixes some vulnerabilities in ActiveX running under Internet Explorer.
Unfortunately, a serious side-effect is to make Microsoft’s own Visio Viewer (which runs as an Add-on within IE) refuse to load Visio files. All that we see is a little square with a red cross (in Windows XP) or a failed-image icon (in Windows 2000). Both the 2003 and the 2007 versions of Visio Viewer fail.
Visio Viewer Failed
Visio Viewer Failed
Until Microsoft issues an official fix, go to Add/Remove Programs and select KB973525 for removal.
Visio Viewer is then much happier:
Visio Viewer OK
Visio Viewer OK

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