Protocol Discovery Functionality
NBAR determines which protocols and applications are currently running on your network. NBAR includes a feature called Protocol Discovery. Protocol Discovery provides an easy way of discovering the application protocols that are operating on an interface so that appropriate quality of service (QoS) features can be applied. With Protocol Discovery, you can discover any protocol traffic that is supported by NBAR and obtain statistics that are associated with that protocol.
Protocol Discovery maintains the following per-protocol statistics for enabled interfaces:
- Total number of input packets and bytes
- Total number of output packets and bytes
- Input bit rates
- Output bit rates
The statistics can then be used when you later define classes and traffic policies (sometimes known as policy maps) for each traffic class. The traffic policies (policy maps) are used to apply specific QoS features and functionality to the traffic classes.
Enabling Protocol Discovery on an Interface
The ip nbar protocol-discoverycommand is used to enable Protocol Discovery on an interface. With Cisco IOS Release 12.2(18)ZYA, intended for use on the Cisco 6500 series switch that is equipped with a Supervisor 32/PISA, the ip nbar protocol-discovery command is supported on both Layer 2 and Layer 3 Etherchannels.
To enable Protocol Discovery on an interface, perform the following steps.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. interface type number [name-tag]
4. ip nbar protocol-discovery
5. end
Reporting Protocol Discovery Statistics
To display a report of the Protocol Discovery statistics per interface, perform the following steps.
1. enable
2. show policy-map interface type number
3. show ip nbar protocol-discovery [interface type number] [stats {byte-count | bit-rate | packet-count| max-bit-rate}] [protocol protocol-name | top-nnumber]
4. exit